
‘Narrow self-interest’ – Pope slams treatment towards migrants



Pope Francis has condemned European nations for their ongoing treatment of migrants, calling it “narrow self-interest and nationalism”

Speaking in Greece, the pope says the neglect of those searching for a new home is the “shipwreck of civilization”.

The pontiff first visited the Greek island of Lesbos back in 2016, when the area was a major entry point for individuals trying to reach Europe.

Since then, new flashpoints have arrived and the Pope says he is saddened that nothing has changed.

This of course all follows 27 people dying last month when their inflatable boat sank in the Channel between France and the UK.

To date, more than 26,000 migrants have arrived in Britain, which is more than double last year’s total.

Meanwhile, several people have also died in freezing temperatures on the border of Belarus and Poland.

Belarus is continuing to deny that it is behind the surge in migrants to the border.

Editor in chief at the British Poles George Byczynski spoke on tickerNEWS about the solution to the European migrant crisis


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